Co-Host of Software Defined Interviews
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Coté has hosted 86 Episodes.
Episode 37: Cloud-native enterprise architecture, with Matt Curry & Andrew Clay Shafer
July 21st, 2017 | 52 mins 50 secs
Let’s finally get to the punchline on this “cloud-native enterprise architect” quest. Here, Matt Curry, Andrew Clay Shafer, and I discuss the things that would motivate such a role and try to chart out what functions the cloud-native EA would serve. This still doesn’t answer the question perfectly, but it does point towards good why’s and even some how’s. We do alright at trying to pull it all together.
Episode 42: PwC says you suck at THE DIGITAL - Software Defined Talk Members Only White Paper Exegesis #1
July 21st, 2017 | 1 hr 1 min
Episode 36: North-bound Enterprise Architecture with Matt Walburn - that business/IT alignment dance
July 20th, 2017 | 48 mins 14 secs
What’s the “business” side of enterprise architecture? And how does EA’ing start mapping to DevOps, cloud-native, and all the new stuff? In part one of this discussion, I talk with Matt Walburn about how EA’s fit into The Business.
Episode 35: You know me, never afraid to be a naive old white guy, or, learning from centuries of fighting over dumb shit
June 30th, 2017 | 22 mins 55 secs
What's up with Irish and Italian names, and why is the Irish brand so much bigger than the Scottish brand? Also, it seems like there's a lot to learn from 2,000 years of Europeans fighting.
Episode 34: Pipelines, you're gonna need 'em
June 8th, 2017 | 57 mins 8 secs
Without a build pipeline, you might as well pack it up and go home.
Episode 33: Spring Cloud, Zuul, & API gateways, with Spencer Gibb
June 2nd, 2017 | 7 mins 19 secs
cloudnative, microservices, oscon, spring, spring cloud, zuul
All these cloud-native apps don’t magically figure out how to talk with each other themselves. They need to usual help with finding each other (registries) and then mediating and managing their ongoing “chatter” with one-another (API gateways). While killing time at the Pivotal booth at OSCON, I talked with Spencer Gibb who works on these things and more in Spring.
Episode 32: Jono Bacon on internal community development and keys to community management
June 1st, 2017 | 14 mins 15 secs
austin, community, open source, oscon
As organizations get deeper into improving how they do IT, they’re interested in replicating the collaborative benefits of open source communities. Jono Bacon has worked in this space for many, many years and shares some of his experiences here with Barton and I, while we were all at OSCON. Jono also goes over some of the important parts of community management.
Episode 31: Update on the Cloud Foundry Foundation, and the need for enterprises to share more
May 26th, 2017 | 16 mins 23 secs
Abby Kearns talks with Barton and I about what's up at the Cloud Foundry Foundation. We also discuss the encouraging people at enterprises (users of software, not vendors) to share more of best/worst practices and knowledge with each other.
Episode 30: Patrick Debois on using serverless for a year and half, defining DevOps vs. SRE vs. design, and meatware over tools
May 26th, 2017 | 13 mins 50 secs
devops, dodaustin, serverless
At DevOpsDays Austin, 2017, Barton George and I talk with Patrick Debois.
Episode 29: DevOps at cloud.gov, security, compliance, & cities that start with "A"
May 25th, 2017 | 14 mins 19 secs
cloud foundry, cloud-native, cloud.gov, devopsdays, devopsdaysaustin
At DevOpsDays Austin 2017, Barton George and I talk with Diego Lapiduz about his experience introducing and managing a cloud platform for the US government and, now, his work at Pivotal.
Episode 28: GSD'ing your way to cloud-native, with Brian Gregory
May 24th, 2017 | 59 mins 28 secs
Just under a year later, Brian Gregory is back to tell us how changing over Express Script's approach to software is doing. As ever, it's mostly about meat-ware and Brian gives good, casual overview of management tactics to get everyone to the seemingly simple state of doing the right thing.
Episode 27: The arrogance of making sure you get what you want
May 19th, 2017 | 51 mins 9 secs
Coté doesn't like asking people to do things for him...or people in general.
Episode 26: Getting over resistance to change
May 16th, 2017 | 57 mins 49 secs
allstate, cases, change, digital transformation, government, management
Matt Curry is back! In this episode recorded at OSCON 2017, we discuss the problems with getting people to change, from staff to management, private sector and government.
Episode 25: John Willis on DevOps, inclusion, burn-out, and biz dev
May 11th, 2017 | 13 mins 9 secs
burgers, devops, dodaustin, john willis
Barton George and I talk with John Willis at DevOpsDays Austin 2017.
Episode 24: Oil and waffles
April 27th, 2017 | 50 mins 3 secs
avocado, emacs, oil
We hear about the days when Charles was drilling for oil. Also, waffles: "I suffered years of floppy-waffles."
Episode 23: “I don’t have a horse or gun.” Or: We were born in Austin. Or: “you may all go to hell. I am going to Texas.”
April 11th, 2017 | 38 mins 18 secs
migas, tacos, texas
When you travel, people have a lot of thoughts about Texas.